Balancing Mind and Body

To maintain a healthy living, you need to make a balance between your mind and soul that is the balance between your mind and body. Both the mind and soul are connected; we need balance. And the balance can be maintained by keeping up the right diet, the right set of physical exercise and medication says Shaun Cohen.

Meditation is very vital for the maintenance of the balance of your soul. Also, Many Health experts and therapists are of the view that one should need to take care of your medicines and other necessary attention to enable you to lead a healthy life. It also instructs you to add the following four things in your daily schedule to keep you mentally fit.

Eating the Right amount of Healthy Food

Your intake should be adequate in terms of the balance of the right nutrient right proteins. One must eat healthy food which makes your body energetic. This has a profound impact on mental health. It has been proved that a proper diet improves your physical as well as spiritual well being. The risk of depression increases when you have poor eating habits like eating a lot of processed foods.

Whatever you eat should have maximum nutrients, minimum calories and little fat, sugar, and salt. In developed countries like America, most people do not eat nutritious food containing necessary vitamins, minerals, and Omega-3 fatty acids says Shaun Cohen. According to the Nutrition Journal, all these nutrients are missing in those who are suffering from mental illness. It has been revealed from the various studies that one can overcome mental disorders by taking daily supplements containing essential vitamins and minerals.

Take Less Stress to Maintain the Balance

Stress is something that is havoc for your mind as well as for your body.

Do not take stress at all. Weight makes you physically and mentally weak like mediocre food. Six out of ten people in the USA are leading a tense life due to running from their duties, a sudden change in lifestyle, or facing a shocking situation that affects them mentally.

Stress is a root cause of the mental behavior of sixty-seven percentage of the Americans that include thirty-seven rate are due to hypertension. Another thirty-seven portion is owing to the tiredness, thirty-five percent is due to the inferiority complex, and thirty percent are those who are suffering from irregular sleeping habits says Shaun Cohen. Forty-two percent are tense due to overeating and not nutritious food. One must experiment with some novel ideas to manage stress when it starts affecting you. Meditation and regular exercise are the best options to cope with stress. Take a bubble bath. Make it a point to spend at least fifteen minutes for yourself every day.

Mental Health Related Physical Health

Our physical and mental health depends upon how one approaches life. Your physical being is principally linked to the mental health of an individual. You are more likely to suffer from severe physical condition if you are mentally weak. On the contrary, if someone is physically unfit could be facing anxiety disorder at twice the speed of it inflicts the general public. Various factors, including physiological, emotional, and social, affect the mind and body of the person. People who have a mental disease or a physical inability could be facing severe conditions if experiencing health determinants like nutrition, lifestyle, environment, and genetics.

One starts showing signs of physical weaknesses that is due to mental disorder and medicines prescribed for its treatment. Your hormones and sleep cycles change when you are suffering from mental imbalance says Shaun Cohen. The various medications given by the doctor have side effects like weight gain to irregular heartbeat besides others. These side effects could hurt you physically and emotionally.’

Let us see how we can overcome the extreme effects of disturbed mental health as prescribed by the therapist.


One is charged both physically and mentally by exercising regularly. It is scientifically proved that feel-good hormones called endorphins are released in the brain by doing exercises. Positivity, mental alertness, and you become energetic with the help of brisk walking for ten minutes. The therapist says that with the help of an adequate amount of exercise, you can help get rid of the over thinking, or at least for some time, you will have a grip over your mind.


Nutritious food is essential that affect our feeling. The main constituents of the balanced diet are proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and water. We developmentally, learn how to manage ourselves, and get rid of many mental problems. So having a balanced diet can help you get out of this situation says Shaun Cohen.


Smoking deteriorates us both physically and mentally. It is a general belief that one feels relaxed after tobacco, but it is only for the short term. People use to smoke two times more than average persons, and those who are suffering from schizophrenia, a disorder that affects the person to think, feel and behave properly are likely to smoke three times more than others says Shaun Cohen. Quitting this bad habit is difficult but not impossible, in starting it would be difficult with withdrawal symptoms but later on, it will all be ok.

Deadly Pandemic Coronavirus

The pandemic of coronavirus has hit the whole world both in terms of health and economy. The infectious disease has pushed the world as an entire to the edge of a recession in few weeks, which is more intense than the 2008 financial crises. The gravity of the situation is such that no one can predict how long it will remain, which entirely depends on the behavior of the virus, the response of the people who are infected by the virus and several economical packages announced by the various governments says Shaun Cohen.

Never has the world in 100 years experienced such a pandemic crisis before. So how would the world know how to deal with such a situation? The pandemic has taken many lives until now, and no cure for the same has been found to date. Not only is the lives of the people, but the entire economy worldwide facing a shutdown or a lockdown situation. Governments all around the world are trying their best to cope up with this situation, which is unusual and never seen before in times says Shaun Cohen. This unstructured situation is deadly and difficult to deal with. Still, people are taking measures and a collective effort that this situation of the crisis go away soon, and this life of ours which has stoped and has become miserable ends rapidly.

Different governments are worried about the unusual nature of the virus. There are both fiscal and monetary crises everywhere, and officials are working day and night. Many governments adopt unprecedented measures by coming out with astonishing bailouts that could exceed ten trillion dollars collectively.

It could be the worst time people have witnessed. Different statistics of April month suggest that the global economy is going through a rough phase. According to the managing director of the International Monetary Fund, Kristalina Georgieva, there is a danger of economic slowdown since the Great Depression. The various indicators warn of a significant recession worldwide is said by the representative of the Organization for economic cooperation and development says Shaun Cohen.

According to the World Trade Organization, there would be a decline in exports from Asian and North American countries, and there would be a loss of trade in all parts of the world and may go through the loss of double digits.

Most of the governments have ordered lockdown in their countries for several weeks to contain the epidemic from spreading, closing non-essential businesses. All social and economic activities have come to a standstill. A lot of people have put themselves in their houses. All major industries, airlines, and other travel businesses are suffering huge losses. There is always a hope of everything getting normal without any significant fall down like joblessness and other setbacks in the businesses and slowly speed up once the epidemic is controlled.

Influence Routines Mental Health

Routine plays a very vital element in curing your mental health. And it takes very little time to inculcate a habit which can transform your life in ways you can imagine. It is just a matter of chance that you need to adopt in your lifestyle which can help you keep peace in your life and will help you deal with your struggles in a positive way with a positive approach says Shaun Cohen. There are various mental illnesses. One may be suffering from bipolar disorder, addiction, depression, and many other mental ailments. When the end results of our endeavors are not in our favor; this is the time to act positively and face the negative thoughts and the various symptoms of the above mentioned mental health conditions confidentially.

Personal routine, professional routine, and a relationship routine are separate things but can be included in your daily schedule. Now, you should think of the various activities you perform every day. One could give some time in the morning, enjoying a cup of coffee while watching the news on the television. One can prepare a green smoothie in the morning to start your day on a good note. You must exercise for at least half an hour daily.

Personal Level

 On a personal level, there are various things that you can teach, which will help you on a personal level. Always inculcate the habit of reading before going to bed. Try to do everything perfectly physically, mentally, and emotionally every day. Involve yourself in such activities that connect you with others. You may spend some quality time with your romantic partner, with a family member and socially says Shaun Cohen. Spend some time talking to others and hear about their day. Make a meal for the family, play a game once a week, and go for a bike ride every Sunday. Do go for an outing with your friends to distress yourself.

On a career or work level

Your work level there are various responsibilities and complexities you face, which cause an exceptional level of mental stress. So you need to implement changes which can help you to cope with the everyday stress that you deal in with the business, One is not supposed to do extraordinary to rise and shine in the market. You could do such things which lay an indefinite mark to achieve what you have dreamt. You may read a good book once in a month concerning your business says Shaun Cohen. This will help you get ideas that you can implement in your business and become successful, and on the same foot, you will not think your work as a burden. Moreover, you will start enjoying it in different ways.

Deadly Disease Harm Human Life

There are many unfavorable conditions, epidemics that humans have faced but nothing like what we are meeting right now around the world. The present situation around the world is quite inevitable with the outbreak of this fatal virus that is a coronavirus. From startling the entities of the people to hampering the entire global market and trade, this virus has slaughtered world peace. So it’s time we unite our hands together to stay safe from this virus and make every effort desirable on our end to stop the use of this deadly virus. This epidemic situation needs to end somewhere, says Shaun Cohen.

It has already caused a lot of death and loss, and it is growing at a high pace. No one but us can help us in this situation. We can do so by t adopting few essential measures that are need of the hour. One of which is to keep self-hygiene and washing our hands as soon as we come in contact with the outside world. Another thing which has been recommended by the doctors in the social distancing practice which the doctors have recommended to break the chain of the virus and make it weak. This is how we can get rid away from the deadly virus.

So to stop it, we all have to do our parts by protecting our health from the vagaries of the virus that is spreading. Yes, we can fight the widespread coronavirus, which has its presence all around the world just by taking some precautions. And here is this amazing device which will help you protect from the significant point which is leading to spread the virus that is the toxic air of the infected says Shaun Cohen. One should also start the use of air masks while they go out so that the spread of the deadly virus can be protected. After watching the crisis of Italy, other countries have taken a lesson, and they are practicing everything possible to safeguard their citizen from this deadly crisis, which is engulfing each and every state.

Shaun Cohen is of the view that if specific precautionary measures can protect you from this virus, so why not. Also, he appreciates the step taken by a few countries to lockdown for particular days to break the chain of the deadly virus. It is an excellent initiative on the parts of the government. Although with this step, there will be a lot of loss to the world economies, what will economies do without people who won’t be left after the virus?

This is the thing which everyone needs to understand that they need to sit at home if they want peace, and it is just for a certain period of time. If items are controlled at this stage, it can be controlled at the later stage as well. So keep your calm and have a united fight against this deadly disease of corona.

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Keeping Mental Health Safe

Keeping up your spirits high and your mind safe in this oh so exciting world is indeed challenging, which many are failing. And the worst part here is that many people re hiding this fact from themselves and their loved ones that they are facing trouble dealing in with the situation with the fear that people may call them mad. So having a mind that is not sorted is not something to be ashamed of. You need some regular counseling with the physiologist is all you require for the time says Shaun Cohen. You need not be afraid of telling or sharing these facts with your family. They will guide you at each step, and if not them then you should surely try the therapy sessions with the psychologist who will be of great help to you in curing this thing.

What psychologist says in their therapy session?

The main context that the psychologist explains the patients are given below:

1. Value yourself:

One of the first concerns which will help you combat the mental health is the value that you put yourself on. You should keep your worth above all and treat yourself with courtesy and respect, and avoid any self-criticism. Give time to your hobbies and favorite projects, do a daily crossword puzzle, plant a garden, take dance, learn new things like language. In short, keep yourself busy.

2. Take care of your body:

The next important step in this context is pampering yourself or taking out time for yourself. That means yours should start physically improving your mental health. Steps you can take to proceed this is:

Start by adopting a healthy lifestyle with nutritious meals and good workout sessions

  • Avoid drugs
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Exercise should be part of your routine as it helps enhance moods, decrease depression and anxiety.
  • Correct your sleeping patters. As lack of sleep provides a high rate of depression.

3. Enclose yourself with good people:

Good vibes and positivity are the critical points of combating mental health, and that my friend you can do with surrounding good people yourself says Shaun Cohen. According to people with research, healthy family or social connections are generally more potent than those who lack a support network. Get help from your supportive friends and family members, and go out for social gatherings.

4. Determine how to deal with stress:

Stress is a significant factor that imposes you to get trapped in the grid of depression and anxiety. But we can’t say it can go away as fear is a part of life. What we can do is practice how to control it without affecting us. You need to cope up with the coping skills like skills of adopting Chi, exercise, taking up a nature walk, playing with your pet, or try journal writing. Everyone has there a diverse way of OD dealing with stress. You need to find out yours and stick to that in tough times. Don’t forget smiling, and as laughter can boost your immune system, relieve pain, rest your body, and conquer stress.

5. Calm your mind:

Calming is something that we try doing, but we fail a lot of times. Learning how to adopting Mindfulness, meditate and prayer. Would lead us to the path of Relaxation and will improve your state of mind says Shaun Cohen.

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Why is seeing a Psychologist Vital

These days apart from keeping up the body’s health, it would help if you were very sure about your mental health too. So if you in life think that your mental health is suffering due to any reason, then probably you need to go for therapy sessions. As good health lies in a sound mind. There are many signs that you will get, which will tell you as to when you will see a Therapist. If we see the surveys, there are many adults as well as kids who are suffering from mental health issues.

Some of the very forms of mental illness among the people range from moderate-to-severe impairment are in treatment. There are still many people who avoid mental illness but the fact is if you address n time, you will feel better. Shaun Cohen says that don’t let it grow and eat you, and it is entirely reasonable in this busy life to have such kind of illness. The best you can do to yourself is to see a psychologist and the rest you leave on him; he will treat you in the best possible way. 

Benefits of visiting the psychologist

Let us see the possible benefit from this treatment of treating your mental health:

It would help if you started viewing a doctor when everything you feel is dangerous, and you are suffering from a state of trauma, and you can’t stop thinking about it. Also, when you ought to have unexplained and chronic headaches, stomachaches, or a run-down immune system, which eventually leads to lousy feedback at work says Shaun Cohen. This is a feeling of being lost in this crowded world when one feels disconnected from previously favorite activities and relationships. So this is the height when you should surely see a psychologist.

The problem which is mentioned above is all real and many people face it in real life. If you’re experiencing anything on that list, therapy may be the right choice for you. So it should be yourself conscious that if at any time you see someone say their friend or loved one “should” go to therapy it seems like a conviction, and that’s adding to the stain that surrounds psychotherapy. But avoiding all the comments, you should surely go to therapy” which is shorthand for it will help to fix you or someone you know who is suffering from the same.” This isn’t a kind recommendation of a valid path to health.

Rebelling all the odds of you see a doctor, it will be at your advantage to go and fix yourself instead of hiding it from the world. You will go after that life in peace says Shaun Cohen. The consultation will not harm you in any way but prolonged illness will. You’ll have a better experience in therapy (and probably better results) if you go because you will discover, grow, and heal, not because someone else thinks you should, but you should do it for yourself. You will learn to cope up with harmful thinking, relational, and behavioral patterns. 

Physiotherapy Can Improve the Quality of Life in All Age Group

Physical therapy treats a wide array of physical conditions. This health occupation is intended at improving quality of life through diagnosis, physical intercession, and prognosis. Sometimes physiotherapy is united with other forms of treatments to reinstate utmost functional aptitude and movement throughout the lifespan says Shaun Cohen. In this article, you will find out a lot about the physiotherapy.

Who can benefits from physiotherapy and what are the benefits of physiotherapy?

People of all ages who have suffered from spine or brain injuries, strokes and fractures can benefit from physiotherapy. The therapy is also used to treat an individual with carpal tunnel syndrome, cerebral palsy, muscle plasticity, deformity of the limbs, and arthritis.

Physical therapy maximizes the movement. People who experience with poor range of motion can take part in physiotherapy for numerous weeks to recover their movement. The end consequences will be pain-free movement, so an individual can live a normal life. The therapy will comprise manipulation and other particular workouts that aim the muscle groups as well as joints.

Some people suffer from severe health problems like stroke or heart attack. These folks will have a much poorer quality of life and they may have complicatedness caring for themselves. Physical therapy can help in such conditions emphasis Shaun Cohen. Physiotherapy sessions are often little impact, so they are appropriate for pretty much every individual. Attending physical therapy sessions help individual build strength, endurance, and mobility.

Along with this, an individual starts getting older, they are going to experience more and more ache in the muscles as well as joints. Some folk will use ache relievers to conquer their dilemma. Unluckily, soreness killers can be immeasurably hazardous and they could lead to habit. Physical therapy is a far improved solution to the individual’s present problem. These techniques are proficient of limbering up people body and leading to a better range of motion. It may also lead to a decrease in pain. With constant physiotherapy, you will be capable to spend a contented and much more satisfying life, instead of distress from ache each time an individual tries to get around.

Wrapping Up

By getting involved in physical therapy sessions offered by Shaun Cohen, there is a great chance that individuals will be capable to improve their quality of life and probably even remain sovereign for a tad bit longer. 

5 Reasons Teens Need to See a Psychologist

Like elders, teens also have problems like mood swings, anger, and other school-related issues. But sometimes their stress increase to a level where it becomes necessary to seek the help of a psychologist.

The misconception that therapy is only reserved for serious mental health issues, but this is not right.  Meeting with a psychologist prevent small issues from turning into big issues says, Shaun Cohen.

Hence, if you feel your kid could benefit from talking to a mental health provider, do not hesitate to contact a psychologist. After all, it’s all about your children. And sometimes a few therapy sessions can improve your teen’s overall health.

Here are the reasons why teens need to see a Psychologist:

1. Behavior problem – Deferment from school or college due to aggressive behavior is a symptom of more serious problems. A psychologist can help your younger one in uncovering the probable mental health issues. Hence, if your teen’s behavior is disturbing you then seek the help of a professional.

2.  Community-related issues – Cliques, Bullies, not getting good grades and lecturer related concerns are some community allied problems several kids experiences. Children have no idea where to get help. Therapy provides such kids support and helps them facing the community-related issues successfully.

3.  Trauma – Whether its loss of someone or sexual assault, a disturbing event can have an enduring impact on a teen. Seeking the help of a psychologist can help your teen come out of the trauma emphasis Shaun Cohen. Actually, therapy augments resilience and diminishes the impact of any traumatic incident. It is advisable not to wait until the situation becomes more serious. Early involvement can help teen recuperate from such circumstances easily. Hence, do not let your kid suffer from such situation and seek the help of a psychologist.

4.  Stress – Children can easily get stressed. Whether it’s a pressure to score well in exams or concern over what course to select for the career, strain can take a stern toll. In such cases, therapy can help teenagers learn the skill to manage stress throughout life.

5.    Low self-esteem – A lot of teens dealing with self-confidence issues whereas some kids experience low self-esteem problems. If such tribulations are left unaddressed, children are at elevated risk of problems like substance misuse and scholastic failure. A professional psychologist can help boost up a teen’s self-admiration.

Wrapping Up

These are some tips shared by Shaun Cohen a psychologist whose purpose is to ease the growth and better understanding in the teenagers. Along with this, the professional provides all levels of therapy including individual, group, and couples. He treats each client with optimistic regard and let them feel supported as well as unjudged in the work he does with them.

Psychologist Help You Live Better Life

According to a study, about 50% of people receive mental health assistance. It is unfortunate that more people could benefit from working with a psychologist says Shaun Cohen. However, many people these days still evade seeing a psychologist to treat their depression or anxiety. This is because people think that therapists exist to strengthen a feeling of failure. So, can a psychologist really help you spend a better life? If this question is striking your head then answer is yes. In this post, you will get some ways of how a psychologist helps you spend a better life:

Help in getting a reality check

These days, all of us need help to stay realistic. Actually, you need someone by your side to give you a reality check when you are doing wrong. Probability, you are making the same mistakes again and again, but it’s difficult, to be honest with yourself. At this time, listening to others opinion can help you pointing in the right direction.

Help in organizing your thoughts

Most of the people have difficulty in organizing their thoughts as well as feelings. Sometimes, going to work or at the house are not the options and during this time you start opting negative thoughts. In fact, you feel angry and it will turn into depression with time. If you are going through this problem, then this is the time you should actively contact a mental health professional.

Get an objective point of view

It is actually difficult to get rid of the problems when it comes to your personal life emphasis Shaun Cohen. This is because we all are more pardoning when it comes to our personal issues. A psychologisthelps you keep things in viewpoint and to understand things the way they should be acknowledged. All people require social interaction, but it is necessary to share your inner opinions or feelings with the right person.

Take care of your mental health

You always hear how crucial it is to stay healthy. But our mind is also as talented as our body. Hence, it is more obvious that you agonize from anxiety. Moreover, some people make excuses for not doing certain things in order to validate their negative thoughts. In fact, you require just one reason to do things and a lot of reasons not to do things. For such situations, working with a psychologist is a smart decision to keep your mind in the right state. Also, while making some decisions seeking the help of these professionals give you a fresh mindset.

Wrapping Up

Above are some ways a psychologist like Shaun Cohen can help you. You can now get numerous benefits by having appropriate and perfect psychological support. A psychologist helps you deal with your conditions. Hence, you should contact a psychologist in order to spend a better life.

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